Monday, September 6, 2010

I am in need of inspiration

Maybe the summer heat has worn me down and a I'm ready for a change of season.
Maybe it's been too much transitioning in one year.
Maybe it's because the big 5-0 is quickly approaching and I can't seem to come to grips with it, no matter what I tell myself!!
Maybe I need more balance in my life in all areas and I just haven't paid attention.
Maybe I need new music in my life.
Maybe it is all these things and more.
Sometimes we just need to make adjustments and put things into perspective and we need help doing it, not just so the creative juices get flowing again, but so we can live our
best lives. So all I have to say this time is...

any suggestions on what works for you would be welcomed and much appreciated.

I hope this finds everyone enjoying the end of summer days and ushering in the new school year with energy and bright attitudes!

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